Saturday, March 7, 2015

We're ahead of schedule?!

We're leaving Amarillo, TX, we've all eaten dinner and it's only 7:50! Last year, we got to Amarillo at 9:45 and ran through Jason's Deli as fast as possible since they closed at 10 and then pulled into Roswell at 3a.m. It was a long day.

Today, we've made incredible time! The weather has been perfect (54 and sunny has felt so good to these frozen Northerners!), rest stops have been fast and we're going three and four hours at a stretch. Its been a great trip so far. We're about 4 hours from Roswell where we're hoping to stay with Nick again, but this time we'll be in apartments instead of a hotel. We're all excited about the idea of a non-moving, horizontal surface for awhile, even if it is a floor. And being there before 2a.m. will be a really nice change.

The trip has been tame so far. Justin was complaining of feeling sick, but the day-old lunchable he ate probably didn't help that at all. (He claims it tasted good). Evan, Joe, Cameron and Justin spent a long time this afternoon playing a game with cows, (there's not a whole lot of billboards for the alphabet game in Texas) while Brandon, Kayla, Mitch and Mike W figured out the math behind wind turbines. With so many staff on the trip, there are plenty of drivers for all the vans, its been a nice change. Although, I am missing doing the Amarillo to Roswell haul, its the stretch I've done since my first Mexico trip. Jon's used to third shift now though, so its probably better to let him drive!

Other random notes from today:
Jon's GPS was acting sleep deprived and we had a scenic tour of Oklahoma back roads this morning. Scott, Derek and I almost just took the vans over the shoulder onto the expressway, but decided that paying tickets on three vans wouldn't be worth it. We took a couple sharp turns instead and woke everyone up.

Sitting backwards on a van seat works pretty well until the driver brakes fast and you hit the floor.

Even going 75mph, Texas is a l-o-n-g state. And yes, that is their speed limit here. Even they know it takes forever to go anywhere.

According to the girls in Van 1, trucks in Texas look bloated. (Random comment of the day #1) and it's also been decided that messy buns up high on your head give you "angel hair" (random comment #2).

Somehow, we're not entirely sure why, Ferris students have almost segregated themselves to a guys van and a girls van. The Tech students and the staff are trying to help them switch it up a little :)

iPhones don't have service through parts of Texas but Droids have done remarkably well. Mitch says all of us with Droids are the Christians on this trip.

Hacky-sacks and Frisbees are favorite past times after meals when we're all stuffed. And carb-loading at meals creates an instant food coma as soon as you settle back into the van. Most everyone has been sleeping a majority of the day.

We're having fun and excited about the opportunities for friendships on this trip. This has definitely been one of the best trips to mix up the campuses between the vans and it's been fun. Tomorrow we'll have church in Roswell, explore the alien tourist trap and then head for El Paso. Within 48 hours of now, the houses will have foundations and walls framed!

Thanks for your prayers! We love you guys!

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