Thursday, March 12, 2015

Snowmen to Tomatoes - We're Back in the US!

There are three families who have new homes in Mexico!

We're officially back in the United States, but part of our hearts (and some skin) are still in Juarez with Cutberto and Maria, Miguel and Jenni and Delores (or Jose - there will be more on that story soon!) and all of the people that we met over the course of the last three days.  A trip like this changes you.  It makes you realize just how much we have and how little you really need to be content. That has been a recurring theme of the week for all of us. The families in Mexico have so few material belongings, but they are still happy.  It's been a good lesson for all of us to remember!

We're working on the Casas compound today doing projects for them as a way to be a blessing to them and help prepare them for the upcoming year. While the students work on packing crates, shoveling dirt and rocks and possibly frame in a building, I get to work inside and get photos of the families and the builds up for you to see.  There are definite advantages to being the administrative staff sometimes :) 

We're all doing really well.  There were no major injuries this year at all (although Emma did get sunscreen in her eye and walked around like a pirate the rest of the day), everyone's attitudes and work ethic have been amazing and we have all been enjoying the sunshine!  We came looking very white and pale (the effects of a long Michigan winter!) but now have some sunburns to show off for our efforts!  Thank you for all of your prayers for good weather - we only had a short sprinkling of rain on Monday night as the teams were finishing up for the day and no other rain after. It was perfect building weather!   We're all enjoying the sunshine today in short sleeves, while some of the Casas staff is bundled up in jackets and sweatshirts and the heat is on in the office.  It makes us laugh. 

Thank you for your prayers, support and encouragement throughout the trip.  We appreciate all of you greatly!  Keep watching the blog today to see photos!

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